10 thoughts on “Craps strategy. Playing all the numbers using the field.

  1. After watching you build up the board that we would be better off to take down the large board and start over call that are profit what's your thoughts

  2. You might need to check out “ the craps couple “ he watches you and probably could use your help

  3. I love the idea of field systems.I just find that they cost too much money over time. Maybe it's different for you since you're such a great shooter.

  4. Another video showing sillyness! It's a reason why all these guys are playing at home in the garage, basement or spare room with play chip$..You will go broke listening to these YouTube Craps players!!!

  5. If what these guys are showing you was so great, why would they be showing you for free but more importantly, why wouldn't they be playing on real tables "For a living" Like I do!!!

  6. Like the way you build your bets from early wins. Intrigued with innovative regressions, to use when place bets are past their expiration date. My favorite right now is pull down the last place to hit, racking that #'s win & bet, then spread the 3 remaining Inside bets to cover all 4. Build to $220 Inside level for 2 hits, $154 for 1 hit, $110 for 1 hit, etc. (oh yeah & tip the dealer!)

  7. He took a hundred fifty and profit and gave a house 500 doesn't compute my mind

  8. Can someone please SIMPLY explain the difference between placing a 4 and buying a 4?? Like…if i place the 4 for 20 i win X…if if ibuy the 4 for 20 i win Y…and if BUY is better, why would anyone ever place??

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