10 thoughts on “Playing a 2,000 BIG Blind POT vs. the BIGGEST ACTION player in Dallas!! // Poker Vlog #61

  1. all of us knows these spots… crazy action player makes a massive overbet and we have a medium/ok- hand…
    maths say it is a fold… and it is still a fold with a crazy action player… if he really is we will get it in good with a hand we want to get it in…
    every time i called these spots they had it…
    bettet wait for lets say top two and wait for hin getting it in with absolutly nothing ✌🏼

  2. This makes me think of breadstick Ricky and the boss talking golf balls it is raunchy so viewers warning if you go watch it

  3. Think there's a lot of truth to be learned from in that end recap. Knowing you're in vs a maniac doesn't mean we get it in with them in marginal at-best spots. If they're truly action/maniac players, there's gonna be a better spot soon.

  4. Outcome oriented review has no value. You had top pair and nut flush draw against a maniac whos betting made no sense.

  5. Playing Golf: You little son of a bitch ball! Why you don't you just go HOME? That's your HOME!

    Playing Poker: You little son of a bitch loose aggressive billionaire villain. Why don't you just go home.

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