Poker Math Made Easy

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Some players get math; some don’t. In this video, we makes poker math so easy that you can’t believe you had such a hard time calculating pot odds and EV.

Source: YouTube

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Poker Math Made Easy

10 thoughts on “Poker Math Made Easy

  1. Hello could you please explain situation on 11:38 , the bluff need to work 43,5% of the time ,so the person have to defend 100 -43,5%= 56,5% ,but if we look through his perspective and assuming the pot odds 2,5/2,5+2,5+3,25 = 30% pot odds

    when making a decision wich one should i look for 56,5% or 30% ? This really mess me up:)

  2. Where were these 4.1:1 and 2.9:1 ratios coming from? Watched this full segment 6 times and still have no clue haha, thanks

  3. Alton Lansing or something like that. His book on poker math covers this exactly. Very easy read and many examples

  4. "This was the simplest explanation of math I have ever seen." – Lead Astrophysicist at NASA

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