How to Date a Poker Player (ft. Reddit)

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Are you wondering how to explain poker, gambling, or variance to your significant other? Do you have questions you DON’T want to ask your poker player significant other? Let’s review relationship questions from Reddit r/Poker with a husband and wife duo: Poker pro Phil Galfond and actress & poker player Farah Galfond!

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From questions like “How to be Open with my Wife about Poker” to “This feels like chapter one of ‘how to be a poker degenerate’”, we are going to cover a lot today!

As a poker player, it can be difficult figuring out how to explain poker, how to explain gambling, or how to explain variance to your wife, your husband, your boyfriend, or your girlfriend (that’s a busy room!)

Most people don’t understand variance as a concept and as a consequence it can be even more difficult to explain poker variance to someone who also might not even understand poker.
It’s very normal, and quite a healthy attitude to think things like “Quit while you’re ahead” or “You’re never going to win in the long run”, when it comes to casino gambling or gambling in general.

The truth is that poker is a skill game but in the short term luck is going to play a large factor in the results. Over a year or a few years of playing in the same poker game the best players should win, but in the short term variance is going to have its say.

If you or your significant other cannot have a healthy relationship while being truthful about the results, there may need to be some communication involving how much poker related information to share with each other. Some couples find it enough to say whether it was a good or bad day and go from there and others don’t even talk about it.

If you’re the significant other of a poker-obsessed person, Farah and Phil cover some advice and red flags to look out for in a relationship with a poker amateur or pro. Like Phil says in today’s video, if you are a poker player and are thinking about dating, you need to know that any relationship is a responsibility and any responsibility will take away from your ability to stay entirely focused on poker. There may be a balance to find, but you need to be aware of the potential risk of negative emotions being attributed.

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Do you just need the best Texas hold’em poker strategy and best pot limit Omaha poker tips or do you have a high stakes poker related question you’d like a poker professional’s advice on?

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Producer: Thomas Deming-Henes
Brand Design: Dan Deming-Henes
Creative Specialist: Quentin Cardinal-Juneau

00:00 Title
00:22 First Story: “How to be open with my wife about poker?”
05:55 Second Story: “Am I being weird about this?”
07:42 Third Story: “Any advice for a girlfriend?”
13:38 Fourth Story: “My professional poker player boyfriend is straining our relationship.”
19:13 Being in a relationship with a poker player
25:40 Update to the Fourth Story
27:32 Fifth Story: “My boyfriend is a poker player.”
35:34 Most generic relationship advice ever: Communication
37:08 Relationship advice for poker players
44:07 More generic relationship advice: Acceptance

Source: YouTube

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How to Date a Poker Player (ft. Reddit)

10 thoughts on “How to Date a Poker Player (ft. Reddit)

  1. Explaining variance is not hard. It’s like the stock market….goes up and down and can be down for awhile but long run is an upwards trend

  2. To the first story – Doyle, who played at the highest stakes for longer than anyone and also stayed married for 64 years, said he never discussed the monetary specifics with his wife because she couldn't handle it. So maybe that's the best option for that couple. Doyle told a funny story in an interview with Phil Gordon about how he lost $350k at the Bellagio one night then went to IHOP for breakfast with Louise the following morning before he went to bed. Louise ordered a half order but got a full order instead and was charged $7 more than she thought she should have been. And she complained about that $7 all the way home and Doyle, who had lost somewhat more, just had to listen to it.

  3. This was a great piece! I think the key to these issues relates to clear communications. You guys clearly exhibit this, but you kind of danced around naming it precisely here. Maintaining relationships with non-poker-playing partners requires very clear and honest communication, and this should be founded in empathy for your partner. However, emotional communication is very very hard and we're not generally well-trained for this as we grow up, so it can be a tremendous impediment. And of course a big part of the communication has to focus on fears and anxieties – something that goes both ways in a poker/non-poker relationship. It's tough for most people, but as Farah expressed very well, it's even more difficult for young pros in their 20s who simply may not have the tools to make this work.

  4. lmao the part about “maximizing ev” telling ur wife she doesn’t have to work killed me 🤣🤣🤣

  5. She knows the stakes i play, so i just say good or bad day. I might brag if i have a really good day that is out of the norm, but really cant have a super bad day as i would stop before.

  6. The guy who went to Vegas with gf is an absolute tool and an asshole. If we agreed before our trip this is our time, i would never ever even consider playing poker, let alone grind mindlessly with a friend lol.

  7. This was great. Phil is just such a great dude. Been my favorite player since he came up. So happy he found such a great wife and has become such a good man.

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