Professional CRUSHES Online Poker [And REVEALS His Secrets!!!!]

Poker Strategy Info And Source:

PokerCoaching coach and professional poker player Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens will be streaming a full day of online poker tournaments and providing commentary on his thought process behind each decision and revealing his secrets! Can he make his way to a final table and even possibly a trophy?

Learn how one of the best online poker players in the world crushes his opponents at the poker tables as he walks you through every action and thought across multiple tables. Watch this professional

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

#onlinepoker #girafganger7 #poker

Source: YouTube

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Professional CRUSHES Online Poker [And REVEALS His Secrets!!!!]

4 thoughts on “Professional CRUSHES Online Poker [And REVEALS His Secrets!!!!]

  1. This is why I love you! This is also why when I do spend hard earned money on poker coaching, it's going to be with pokercoaching. The stuff you make available to us for free is Master Level stuff from just about…anyone! Most of my notebook is filled with stuff from your YouTube channel and the free stuff on pokercoaching, and it's made my game WAY better! Thank you! Can't wait until I can call you 'coach'.

  2. Just became a Premium PokerCoaching paying member. I'm checking my ego at the door and am ready to learn from those who have already done what I desire. I am grateful for this opportunity Jonathan.

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