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Low stakes players check-raise range are almost never balanced. It's mostly just nutted hands.
Just call man. Live to fight another day. That raise was so wrong.
X back flop was terrible
Or you could just bet the flop with your entire range instead of checking and he really can't continue with that hand. I guess he could if he wants to peel and then try to take it on diamond and connected turns but I feel like you should always be betting the flop there.
I bet you won't check trips again.
Gotta bet that flop, super wet.
The draw was completed at turn 😅😂😂
That's why you can't check back that flop. Can't be giving them a good price to draw
Good play Bro …. All the Pro's here saying they would have played it different ..
I’m learn how to read the board dude! You watch to many videos! Check call river was the move!