10 thoughts on “Mathematics of Roulette

  1. Really nice video. Thanks a lot ! Love the math behind it. / Even though I know there's still money to be made with roulette. The goal* is not to "beat the wheel", but to make a bit of profit and be satisfied with it. Also,… the 5.3% is basically the edge of the casino (for American Roulette). It's funnier to play on a French roulette (with only 1.35% edge). Again, thank you for that math course. It was exquisite !

  2. So this is my question; I have come up with a strategy where I can actually win positive net 24/38 times on a $150 bet (due to 21 different ways to hit). This strategy actually “wins” 33/38 times, but doesn’t net money 9/33. I used your formula, and sure enough, the -5.3 cents shows up. What I don’t understand is that I have more of a probability to win net money. In fact, only 5/38 do I actually lose all 150. Why is this? Is this due to the payouts? Looking through my notes, I only have 1/38 chance of netting $150 ($300 total winning). The next best payout is $141, with a 2/38 odds. As you can never win every bet in roulette, my approach was to limit the losses and maximize how many times I won. Mathematically it appears like there is no way to come on top?

  3. Old town roads is full of weird comments…

  4. Hello everyone, I have to work on this problem. Maybe someone calculate it, please:)
    Q2.Jack puts $100 either on black or red on a roulet game. (There are 18 black slots, 18 red slots and two green slots (0 and 00) on a roulette wheel. Your chances of hitting a black or red are equal, 47.4%. This translates to a 52.6% probability that the house will be scooping up all your chips on a black/red bet.) Casino has a rule that maximum bet size is $1000. Jack has a bankroll of $10,000.

    a) Develop a martingale strategy: The strategy has the gambler double his bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit equal to the original stake.

    b) Simulate it for 100 bets, and tell us the result of bankroll .

    c) Plot the bankroll vs. bets (#of bets) and show how it is changing.

    d) Explain if this is a good strategy. You can simulate it multiple times for 1000 bets and see the change in bankroll.

  5. Just like in craps, as you diversify your bets, you aren't betting on a number to win but rather you are betting against other numbers to win.

  6. The other problem with the martingale method is that most casinos have a table betting max.

  7. Hi mate, i'm trying to find the expected values for a roulette wheel in this game i'm making a video about but i'm not 100% sure if my math is correct. Could I possibly contact you for help with this?

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