Russian Roulette

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A fun (and potentially useful) problem that demonstrates the power of symmetry.

Source: YouTube

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Russian Roulette

5 thoughts on “Russian Roulette

  1. So here's why all science is pseudoscience until all factors are analyzed on a molecular level: you're assuming that gravity, weight, friction centrifugal force, and application of force don't come into play. They do. The weight of the cartridge, the size of the cylinder, how fast you spin it, how you hold the revolver when you spin the cylinder with 1 weighted chamber, whether or not you wait for the cylinder to stop spinning before you shut the gate…all these things make a difference. You're more likely to lose the game if you don't go first because the way most people will load a revolver and spin the cylinder will result in the weighted chamber wanting to stop spinning with the live round at the lowest or bottom position, increasing the odds of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pull of the trigger exponentially…If you're not spinning the cylinder each time the trigger is pulled, the odds increase over re-spinning the cylinder each time.

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