How to play Roulette | Fibonacci Strategy | Roulette Strategy | Casino

Roulette Strategy Video Information:

The Fibonacci betting sequence can be applied to many casino games, and roulette is no exception. As this strategy is less aggressive than some others, it’s a good starting point if you’re new to betting systems. Equally, it’s a great choice for more experienced bettors looking to up the stakes, but not risk too much at once.

The Fibonacci roulette strategy uses the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, named after the Italian mathematician who went by that name, to determine your next stake:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc.

In line with the sequence, each stake is the sum of the two stakes before. With each loss, you would progress to the next number in the sequence, and for each win you would go back two places, or back to the start if you haven’t progressed that far. As you can’t start betting from 0, you’d start from a ratio of 1 and continue from there.

The only other thing to know here is that each wager must be placed on an even bet that pays out 1:1, such as red/black or odd/even. This is to ensure a more even chance of winning or losing and so losses don’t accumulate too quickly. Placing inside bets with this strategy is very risky and the system won’t be effective.

As your stake is increased when you lose, the Fibonacci betting system is what’s known as a negative progression betting system. The idea is that although you bet more each time you lose, when you do win it’ll be with a higher stake, meaning higher winnings. This will help recover a good amount of those losses more quickly and hopefully allow you to win or at least break even. However, be aware that sometimes luck just isn’t in your favor, and it is still possible to lose your entire bankroll before a win – you can’t rely on a betting system for guaranteed success.

We’d say that the standard Fibonacci strategy offers more benefits than the reverse version. To be successful with the reverse version, you’ll need considerably more wins than losses to make up for the smaller wins. With the standard version, the losses are less drastic. This is because you reduce your stake when you win, rather than going in even bigger and potentially building up to a huge loss. Both still carry their risks, and we’d recommend always setting a limit where you call it quits.

Source: YouTube

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How to play Roulette | Fibonacci Strategy | Roulette Strategy | Casino