Roulette Strategy Video Information:
Part 2 of 3, The math behind Martingale-esque roulette Strategy that maximizes casino reward points. This strategy is discussed using excel tables, graps, and narration describing the strategy and how odds / risks / rewards are calculated.
If you haven’t seen Part 1, check it out first
Source: YouTube

Thank you 😍
Do you have a good strategy for a 2k bankroll and 500 profit per session?
Hi I am a islander whit more than 20 casino. White All double 00 .rulet. And No single 0 rulet.
I’m doing follow the winning dozens or columns and I’m doing on one dollar machine and this strategy it’s working very well. Thanks brother
Thanks for the video… hope to cross paths on a cruise some day.
Booked on Harmony in October 2023 and Icon in February 2024
The math is convincing. Tried the moderate in simulator, always recovered in the 8th spin. Will try it in real life cruise next. Great and thanks for sharing
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Just today saw middle dozen didn’t hit for 21 times.