Roulette – How to Win EVERY TIME! Easy Strategy, Anyone can do it! Part 3

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Roulette – How to Win EVERY TIME! Easy Strategy, Anyone can do it! Part 3
See the Updated Win Every Time Video Series HERE:

Roulette, one of the easiest casino games to play and understand. We will go over the best strategy’s to win every time, and what to look for in a casino (as in, a casino that has the table setup to give you the best odds). Normally, the best odds are 47.37%, I will show you how to increase it to 94.74% and why it works!
I have just returned from the Casino. It is 3:07 AM. I am over $1,000 richer tonight. I go to the casino on average 3-4 times per week. My lowest nights are + $200. Though, I usually average + $500 to $1,000/night when the casino is slow.
Preferably, you want to go when their are the fewest people at the casino. This will allow the optimal number of hands/rolls to be played in the shortest time, allowing more profit.

To practice at home, print out a roulette table with the double zeros. Get a iPhone app called Pocket Roulette, you use this as your Roulette Wheel. It is a free app, not spectacular, but for free, it works great!
Get some chips. Cheap ones will do fine. Preferably Red ones and Black ones. Blue is a good substitute for Black. If you do not want to use chips. I usually say use Pennies and quarters. Make the penny represent the $5 chip, as this chip is red, and most common one you will use. Quarter will represent a $100 chip.

This will be a multi-part video series. Enjoy!

As promised, below is the Odds Scale for American Double-Zero Roulette:
Double-Zero Roulette
Bet————Pays———————Probability Win———House Edge
1 to 18———1————————-47.37%——————-5.26%
19 to 36——-1————————-47.37%——————-5.26%
1 to 12———2————————-31.58%——————-5.26%
13 to 24——-2———————— 31.58%——————-5.26%
25 to 36——-2————————-31.58%——————-5.26%
Six line (6 numbers) 5————-15.79%——————-5.26%
First five (5 numbers)6————-13.16%——————-7.89%
Corner (4 numbers)—8————-10.53%——————5.26%
Street (3 numbers)—11———– 7.89%——————–5.26%
Split (2 numbers)—–17————5.26%——————–5.26%
Any one number——35————2.63%——————–5.26%

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Source: YouTube

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Roulette –  How to Win EVERY TIME!    Easy Strategy, Anyone can do it!    Part 3

10 thoughts on “Roulette – How to Win EVERY TIME! Easy Strategy, Anyone can do it! Part 3

  1. he keeps doubling up until he is broke, then he knows it's time to walk away.

  2. Try fibranachi system for increase Come down to previous bet before starting session over 1,3,5,8 win reduce to 5 win start over lose back to 8 then 13 win back to 8 win again start over

  3. You could have made these 4 or however many videos into 1 video if you would get to the point. You talk way to much about nonsense.

  4. You talk a lot in all your videos about common sense which you describe as your strategy! The demonstrations and sound are extremely bad!

  5. This guy is very green on roulette the truth is streaks can run between 14 to 22 in a row red or black ,he is not being truthful,a first grader could come up with that system

  6. This betting system has been tested mathematically. Please see the Kelly Criterion. If your chance of winning is less than 50%, there is no betting strategy that can beat the game. You need to rethink your approach to gambling!!!!

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