Adelaide Casino presents: The Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker Guide

Learn Texas Holdem Video Source & Info: Here, Table Games dealer Badila explains how to play the simple game of Texas Hold ’em Poker – linked to the biggest table games jackpot in South Australia.

For more information on this game, please visit the link:

Stay in control. Leave before you lose it. Gamble Responsibly.

Source: YouTube

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Adelaide Casino presents: The Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker Guide

5 thoughts on “Adelaide Casino presents: The Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker Guide

  1. Question, it said that the ante wager would only be paid on flushes or higher? That seems kinda messed up. I am guessing thats the house advantage. Also, if its a tie what happens? Like both the dealer and the player has a pair of the same cards. Is it tied or house wins.

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