10 thoughts on “Incredibly Advanced Poker Strategy

  1. How does this not have 100 billion views….this is the funniest bad I've ever seen. Commentary on point

  2. Damn this is 5 years old and I had never realized I had a capped folding range. Mind = blown.

  3. Balancing the folding range is the most polarized strategy I have ever seen. This is too advanced to just give this info out for free.

  4. I totally agree. Incredibly advanced players ALL recommend raising pocket aces and folding after a reraise. It's called "especially advanced."

  5. Dave Ramsey approved poker advice. Never play good enough to be able to risk more than is in your 5 year old's piggy bank. SHEER GENIUS

  6. woah woah MamacoolJ! woah! #loveGTO How much for coaching? Do you pay me to coach me? I'd fold to that.

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