Baccarat Betting Ranges

Baccarat Tips Video Source & Information:

Understanding Support , Resistance and Range betting

Source: YouTube

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Baccarat Betting Ranges

10 thoughts on “Baccarat Betting Ranges

  1. Next step turn data int candlestick patterns
    Nah only joking
    Or am I 😎
    Keep the videos coming
    I’m in bed with trapped nerve. Agony 🤪

  2. Confirmation is crucial. U may lose one bet. But u may gain 4+. Profit risk ratio 4:1 super👍

  3. Don’t chicken out. Let it run. May get 12 in a row
    That’s 12 losing confirmation s

  4. pls do live shoe . often.. we would like to know your actual of approach using the chart . ..

  5. I am just stunned. I’ve been amateur trading for over a decade. I’ve been playing baccarat for over a decade. You’re a genius. I just played 2 shoes charting it myself and won $500 with a starting bank of $1000. It’s incredible. I will never look at the game the same again. It’s magic. It seems to put you on the right side so easily. The trends are so incredibly easy to spot as well. You do need a good money management to go with it, but there so many good ones out there it’s no problem. Well done sir. This is incredible. My hat is off to you. I will be buying your spreadsheet in the next couple days just as a way to say thank you and job well done. Bravo.

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