7 thoughts on “Baccarat Rules and how cards are draw

  1. 狐狸老师 ,早上好!听视频中的解说音就可以知道是你本人那富有磁性的声音 。👍👍👍

  2. 哇塞!老师真厉害!英文发音好棒啊!👍👍👍视频做的真好!🤗🤗🤗

  3. 虽然英文听不懂,但我还是听完了,老师的声音太迷人,很有磁性的声音😍

  4. It might help if you learned how to pronounce the name of the game you're trying to teach. Yeah, that would help. It would also prevent you sounding like an ignorant moron.

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