Getting Started In Poker – The Beginner’s Guide

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Poker has always been a popular game, but since the explosion of Texas Hold’em onto the card tables of the world and our television screens, everybody wants to learn how to play.

This Beginner’s Guide has been designed to help you do just that. The basics are simply explained, with a foolproof demonstration of the order in which the Poker hands rank, followed by step-by-step guide to playing this truly enticing game.

Source: YouTube

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Getting Started In Poker – The Beginner’s Guide

4 thoughts on “Getting Started In Poker – The Beginner’s Guide

  1. 42:50 is the actual explanation of the rules of Texas Hold'em. While slower, it's also easier to understand than the other videos which I liked it.

  2. Fantastic video. Educational, well narrated and really good camera work. A treasure trove for any newcomer to the game of Poker. Cheers!

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