The Re-Steal Bluff – Poker Strategy Power Moves

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Stealing the blinds is one of the first moves you’ll learn when you start playing poker tournaments and it’s a powerful one, but there’s a way you can turn that aggressive move against your opponents when they try to steal the blinds. It’s called the re-steal bluff and it refers to three-betting with a weak hand when you suspect your opponent of raising before the flop just to steal the blinds.

In the latest episode of Poker Strategy Power Moves, we break down the re-steal step by step to teach you everything you need to know to use this move effectively in your next poker tournament. First, make sure you’re targeting aggressive players who are opening a lot of pots when they’re in position. This is a big tell that they’re raising with weak hands and trying to use their position to win the blinds and antes. It’s also important to target players who are good enough to fold bad hands when you re-raise.

Another important part of re-stealing successfully is making your re-raise big enough that you’re opponent isn’t priced into a call. The easiest way to figure out how big your re-raise needs to be is to make sure your raise is bigger than the total of the blinds, antes and your opponent’s initial raise. Another great spot to sue the re-steal bluff is when you’re shortstacked in a poker tournament.

If you have enough chips, usually between 15 and 20 big blinds, consider three-betting all-in as a re-steal when you think your opponent is raising with a crappy hand just to steal the blinds and antes.

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The Re-Steal Bluff – Poker Strategy Power Moves