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Welcome back to the channel. My god, do we have some battle submission for Ty today….
not only are we taking a look at the mighty shadow Bibarel in the open great league teaming up with channel mascot ( his rank 1 shadow Drapion) we will br playing a fun game of Mythical and Legendary roulette.
what is Mythical Roulette? Well, every single battle, we will be using a different Mythical or Legendary pokemon in in thay 3rd position.
We will be seeing some insane spice and some even more insane gameplay with appearances from Shadow Moltres Buzzwole Mew Shadow Zapdos and more !
this is one showcase you won’t want to miss !
I’m now taking battle submission on the channel
huge thanks to LedsenKatt for making the form
music is from the free to use YouTube library, so many thanks youtube !
Shout to my boy Jmoney, aka NoMoney, who made the logo link to his stuff and be found below. I highly recommend you check him out 👇
If you’re on Facebook, I highly recommend you check out the pvp fightclub it’s biggest community of its kind👇https://www.facebook.com/groups/pokemonpvp/?ref=share
if you’d like to contact me or have any suggestions on shaodw pokemon you’d like me to.showcase contact me on Twitter
Shout out to a AtLaEhEam who has set up a discord for all things shadow 👇
I do not own the right to the background music
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
thanks for watching. See you all in the next one
#PokemonGo #pogo
Source: YouTube

These are some legendary battlex
Shadow bibarel, the ancestor of God himself demolishing a league.
Would you consider a team of shadow Vic, Wall face, and Anine to be a basic b team? I haven’t seen anyone run it, but have gained over 300 elo running it.
07:15 very big cojones on this no shield 😱😱😱 she doesn't bad on her pant
Ok now convinced that this is the new bbm core🫣 gotta start prepare! Awesome battles😅🔥
Been looking forward to this one!
Fun fact: Bibarel is Kurdish for " it's raining". Raining spice that is.
Shadow drapion is back 🔥
Evidently, the opponent has also been to school 😬
They’re saving 2 shields for next season loll nice team showcase and spicy teams!! 🥵