8 thoughts on “Detroit: Become Human – “Russian Roulette” [100% Flowchart]

  1. Just one commet in 2020 LIKE BOI i feel bad for this as like u post this in 2018 and only got likes and his first commet 2020 i feel bad for ya

  2. the sumo attack part always gets me. My dog Odin definitely would of done that when he was around.

  3. Hi, wondering what the locked dialogue is at ~1:15? Is it one of those bugs again?
    Great vid btw, thanks!

  4. One detail that I've missed in all my playthroughs is when Connor analyzed the photo of Hank's son, and when he goes to put it down, you can see the compassion and sadness in his eyes. Nice little detail Bryan Dechart put in the game.

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