10 thoughts on “Game Theory Optimal (GTO) Play for Poker Explained

  1. "So dont be confused and think that we have perfect solutions or they gonna happen any time soon. Because it doesnt seem that way. We may be a few hundred years off…NLHE is going to be alive and well…" lol… NLHE is dead mate and its been like that for at least a couple of years… Even 6max solutions for PLO are out there… We reached a point where computers can beat top pros in NLHE as happened in chess 20 years ago. GTO solutions are here to stay and in conjunction with knowledge based systems/AI they will revolutionize all aspects of incomplete information games.

  2. Jesus Christ, the number of people in the comments that don't understand GTO is staggering.

    1. There is no GTO solution for NL Hold'em
    2. There are GTO solutions for reduced complexity NL Hold'em variants (which contain lessons that are relevant to NL Hold'em. See Half-street games, [0, 1] games and AKQ). There are also GTO solutions for certain situations that occur in full NL Hold'em. Bluff/Value bet ratios at the River are solved (This is not actually all that helpful, because even if it is solved the process of getting to the river such that you bet all your nut hands and bluff x% of your dead hands is not. On top of this, even if the math says you should bet x% of your dead hands in a certain situation, how are you going to randomly decide to bet? Roll a dice?)
    3. Even if there were a hypothetical GTO player (that played perfectly) they would not necessarily be the "winningest" player. A hypothetical GTO player is simply un-exploitable. That is, no opponent can do anything to get an edge on a hypothetical GTO player (remember no actual GTO player exists.)
    4. One of the "drawbacks" of exploitative play is that exploiting an opponents flaws typically opens you up to counter-exploitation. GTO is supposed to be a way to opt out of the exploit/counter-exploit loop and just profit from opponents making mistakes against your un-exploitable strategy.
    5. One of the issues with a lot of these "partial GTO solutions" is that the underlying assumptions generating the solutions frequently give opponents waaaaaay too much credit.
    6. Studying GTO will not help you more effectively exploit your opponents in any way shape or form. It may help you plug leaks in your game.
    7. A lot of GTO solutions kind of assume you have a perfect RNG in your head. So take from that what you will.

    Don't bother studying GTO unless you're at a point where plugging leaks in your game is more important than figuring out how to exploit/punish sub-optimal play from your opponents (presumably at this stage you're very good.)

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